punková marketingová agentura s vášní pro vkusný design
Users prefer a mobile app over a mobile website


Users prefer a mobile app over a mobile website
Today, mobile apps are the most effective, direct and customizable way to deliver product information and get customers to stay loyal to your brand. If you think mobile apps are only for big brands, you're wrong.

What is the process?


Inquiry and brainstorm

We will audit your project, competitors and industry. Together, we'll determine the purpose of the mobile app, break down the customer journey in detail, and put together a list of desired features. Together we will figure out if you need a full-fledged app or if a no-code app will meet your requirements.

Wireframe and concept

Inspired by standards in your industry, we will design and draw the structure and wireframe of the application. We will create a prototype of the app with basic backend components and frontend design. At this stage, we focus more on the look, UI and UX of the mobile app, which we design in collaboration with developers and designers.

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proč spolupracovat s punkovou marketingovou agenturou

Code, test, rollout

After the prototype is approved, the backend work begins. It is the longest and hardest part of the entire process of developing a native mobile app. Once we have the backend, we decorate the app with tasteful elements and animations. Then our testers test the app on iOS and Android. After all the modifications, we publish the app on the App Store and Google Play.





Greater added value

Native mobile apps provide better personalization, are faster and more user-friendly than websites, can be worked offline in the app, and make the overall user experience more personalized and better due to their features.


Trust and Image

Having a mobile app for your business can go a long way in increasing trust and brand awareness. A mobile app presents a unique opportunity to create an incredibly memorable and powerful image through useful features and pleasing design


Engagement and Loyalty

The mobile app allows you to display personalized content, provide accurate recommendations, send notifications, get instant feedback and much more. With the app, you can maintain high customer engagement and retention rates, which leads to building loyalty to your brand.


Sales Channel

With detailed statistics about each user segment and their behavior while using the app, you can turn your mobile app into an ideal marketing and sales tool. You can use push notifications, personalized recommendations, flash payment gateway to turn users into customers.





We're flexible

Do you have a 30-page list of desired features? We will assign dedicated developers, designers and a project manager to your project. Need a simple app with few features and have a limited budget? We will design a low-cost solution. Want a downloadable beta version of the app to test your hypothesis? We'll create a no-code app in a flash.


We're end-to-end

We're not just developers who work to brief - we design the customer journey, implement analytics and metrics, design and test UX and UI apps, create graphics, animations and text - all within budget, in line with your strategy, corporate identity and app purpose.


We are human

Developing a native mobile app is a long and expensive process. So before we get into it, let us advise you whether you need a web app, a simple no-code app or a full-fledged native app. We will also advise you on which elements can be omitted to reduce the budget and shorten the deadline.


We're consistent

After the mobile app rollout, we won't let you down. If you want to develop additional features or modify the app UI according to user feedback, we'll be happy to help. We can also design a simple CMS so you can add new content independently.


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I'm thorough.

I'm a detail freak. With a handful of perfectionism and a ton of curiosity, I will dive into not only your project but the entire industry.

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I'm patient

I know that life is fast and chaotic, everything is being solved and changed on the go, documents were lost and the deadline was last Friday.

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I'm experienced

My experience in auditing, setting up, launching, managing and promoting projects in a wide variety of industries allows me to look at your project from all possible angles.

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I'm a punk

I'm not a big agency that's scrupulous about its margins. I know the times we live in and what's going on around us. I don't call myself a "punk" just because it sounds good.

Let's see if we're a match.
+420 601 106 105

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