punková marketingová agentura s vášní pro vkusný design

A digital punk with a passion for tasteful design, functional marketing and maximum ROI.

I don't do beautiful things because they're pretty or funny. For over 10 years I've been making functional and creative stuff for the right target audience, aligned with strategy, with maximum return and minimum cost.

Use cases

My projects

What can I help you with?

Czech educational blog


proč spolupracovat s punkovou marketingovou agenturou

I'm thorough.

I'm a detail freak. With a handful of perfectionism and a ton of curiosity, I will dive into not only your project but the entire industry.

proč spolupracovat s punkovou marketingovou agenturou

I'm patient

I know that life is fast and chaotic, everything is being solved and changed on the go, documents were lost and the deadline was last Friday.

proč spolupracovat s punkovou marketingovou agenturou

I'm experienced

My experience in auditing, setting up, launching, managing and promoting projects in a wide variety of industries allows me to look at your project from all possible angles.

proč spolupracovat s punkovou marketingovou agenturou

I'm a punk

I'm not a big agency that's scrupulous about its margins. I know the times we live in and what's going on around us. I don't call myself a "punk" just because it sounds good.

Let's see if we're a match.
+420 601 106 105

Expect a reply within 24 hours.

Díky, ozveme se Vám během 24h.
Ajaj, něco se pokazilo. Zkuste prosím znovu.
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